Description of risk or opportunity
For example, through enhanced physical activity or in the design and use of products or service delivery.
User health and well-being are potentially impacted by a range of products and services procured by the public sector.
Most obvious are care services for adults and children but other services and products are also relevant in this consideration, including food and catering services, cleaning, use of technology and transport.
The buyer must carefully consider potential positive and negative impacts that may arise as a consequence of procurement decisions and will need to be satisfied that the chosen supplier can perform the contract in a manner that provides the best possible outcomes while providing value for money.
Possibly the key action to take, to both mitigate risks and maximise opportunities, is in how the requirement is framed and an assessment of the possible solutions. Decisions at the design stage of the product or service need will significantly influence potential outcomes.
In relevant contracts, it is possible to include user enhancement requirements throughout the procurement process, including: