Sustainable Procurement Tools

ANNEX F – Payment of at Least the real Living Wage Specification/Invitation to Tender Model Question

The content of this model question may be adapted as appropriate to take account of your organisation’s terminology.

Payment of at least the real Living Wage


The Scottish Public Sector considers payment of at least the real Living Wage to be a significant indicator of an employer's commitment to fair work practices and that payment of at least the real Living Wage is one of the clearest ways an employer can demonstrate that it takes a positive approach to its workforce.

The real Living Wage is a rate of pay which applies to all employees aged 18 and above and is sufficient to ensure that the recipient may enjoy an acceptable standard of living. There are two rates of the real Living Wage: the UK wide rate and the London rate. The rates are announced annually by the Living Wage Foundation.

Question: Bidders are asked to confirm that they will pay workers that are involved in the delivery of the [framework agreement / contract, and/or any subsequent call off contract] (including any agency or sub-contracting workers) directly involved in the delivery of the [framework agreement / contract, and/or any subsequent call off contract]), at least the real Living Wage.

Answer: Yes/No

Please note that bidders who fail to answer “Yes” to this question will not have their tender considered further or proceed to the Price/Quality ratio calculation.

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