Sustainable Procurement Tools

Award criteria are used to determine which economic operator is best placed to provide a contract. A contracting authority has discretion to determine what award criteria to apply but questions asked at this stage cannot duplicate questions already asked at the selection stage. This is because at this stage suppliers are being assessed on the merits of tenders themselves rather than their suitability to tender. 


Below are some examples of questions specific to communities requirements that contracting authorities may wish to include as award criteria: 

‘Please describe how you will involve the users of your service to contribute to its design and delivery to find opportunities to enhance communities.’ 

‘What arrangements will you make to ensure that the local community are engaged with and informed of the service offered?’ 

‘How will you design your offer to enhance the local community through the provision of this service?’ 

‘A method statement is required describing an assessment of potential impacts of the proposed service on the local community. It must include all the risks and opportunities identified in the assessment, measures needed to minimise risks and options for improvements.’ 

‘Bidders are required to submit a method statement describing in a logical sequence exactly how the work will be carried out in a people-centric manner and without risks to the community, including detailing any consultation required.’ 

‘Bidders are required to provide a risk assessment for the services, including what resources will be allocated to manage the risks identified.’ 

‘The organisation specifically wishes to support the enhancement of local communities, please describe how you will contribute to this aim including reducing the risks within this contract.’