Sustainable Procurement Tools

2. Embedding sustainability requirements

Keen to provide improved sustainable outcomes through the new contract, the Procurement Team obtained advice from internal policy colleagues, along with external expert advice via the SG sustainable procurement training framework, and from the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).

This had a focus on equality, fair work practices, fairly and ethically traded, environment, and community benefits.

The Life Cycle Impact Mapping tool was used to identify potential social, economic and environmental impacts during the life cycle of the service.

The Procurement Team then completed the Sustainability Test to focus in on the relevant risks and opportunities to the procurement, and to inform contract requirements.

Given the nature and size of the contract the majority of risks and opportunities in the sustainability test were assessed as being relevant. This approach helped to inform the Procurement Strategy.

Environmental risks and opportunities identified:
  1. Reduce emissions to air, land, and water: management of energy and water consumption
  2. Reduce travel / increase hybrid vehicles used: management of vehicle movements and emissions
  3. Promote waste reduction and circular economy: re-use, repair, remanufacture of equipment, tools and materials, i.e. availability of parts for repair of systems and equipment, i.e. recycled content of materials, products, parts and packaging.
  4. Waste management (in accordance with waste hierarchy and legal compliance i.e. Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) legislation compliance
  5. Utility spending (Electricity, Gas & Water) and uptake in renewable energy sources
  6. Sustainable sourcing of materials, products, parts & packaging i.e. timber, stone etc.
  7. Consideration of hazardous emissions / impacts, protection and enhancement of biodiversity and heritage protection
  8. Knowledgeable, capable and experienced supplier staff delivering environmental benefits, training of workforce
  9. Monitoring and reporting of usage / savings
Socio-economic risks and opportunities identified:
  1. Opportunity to influence workforce matters: Fair work practices / living wage, payment of living wage at prime and subcontractor levels
  2. Opportunity to drive training and development of all employees.
  3. Equality: promote equality of opportunity and other aspects of the general equality duty for both contractor’s staff, and staff using service
  4. Ethical, safe and secure sourcing of raw materials and processed materials.
  5. Inclusion of community benefits: education and skills and job creation – lifelong learner, apprentices and adult learners. Target groups identified as -  disadvantaged people including ex services personnel/veterans
  6.  Liaise with Construction Skills Scotland and Scottish Prison Service. Measure via Key performance indicators (KPIs) to show the learning journey of employees
  7. Health & wellbeing, Health and safety, staff safety; safe storage of tools and equipment
  8. Sub-contracting opportunities for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) / social enterprises / supported businesses / 3rd. Sector.
  9. Ensure appropriate contract management to report and monitor progress and success

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