It is good practice to notify bidders of any particular contract performance requirements or any essential award criteria early in the process. This can be done by including details in the contract notice or a prior information notice, so that they can take an early view on whether they can satisfy the requirements.
These can be included at section V1.3 Additional Information of the Contract Notice. Below are examples of wording that can be used for this purpose:
‘The Contracting Authority has included obligations within the specification and contract conditions relating to the application of the waste hierarchy and compliance with relevant legislation, which are relevant to the services to be delivered.’
'The Contractor will be required to apply the waste hierarchy in contract delivery so as to maximise the reduction in waste, use of virgin materials and related emissions including through relevant re-use, repair, reconditioning or remanufacturing of products, equipment or materials, including innovative solutions.'
‘A requirement of this contract is that all products supplied meet the mandatory level of the Government Buying Standard (GBS) for [insert product standard] for packaging materials.’
'A requirement of this contract is that a minimum of X% of the product or the components thereof shall be re-used or recycled at end of life.'
‘A requirement of this contract is that a minimum of [X] % of total packaging weight derives from re-used and recycled content.’
‘The Framework Agreement supports Scotland's National Performance Framework, and the National Outcomes which articulate the Purpose ‘To focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth’. This Framework supports the following National Outcomes, and Contractors are expected to support the Authority’s aim to achieve these.' [Insert relevant Outcomes].’