Sustainable Procurement Tools


The scoring methodology, weightings and contract award criteria must be clearly defined in the procurement documents to ensure transparency of the process and a common understanding by all bidders of how tender responses will be evaluated and scored. They must be proportionate to the works, supplies or services that are the subject-matter of the contract.

Criteria must allow objective comparison of tenders and not discriminate against or favour potential contractors. There must be a clear methodology to evaluate responses.

An outcome / performance-based specification can be more challenging for evaluators. An ideal response should be understood, based on intended outcomes agreed by relevant stakeholders including within a user intelligence group, where relevant.

As well as being involved in developing relevant requirements for a procurement, for example, approach to environmental management or biodiversity, subject matter experts can provide valuable input when evaluating tender responses for such criteria.

Where a service involves any of the following, it is likely to be appropriate to ask tenderers how they will minimise negative impacts and, where possible, enhance biodiversity:

  • frequent movement of people or materials within areas where biodiversity may be a risk
  • where services may potentially impact on local biodiversity, or
  • where products or materials supplied or used are sourced from areas which may impact on vulnerable ecosystems

However, if a service has little interaction with ecosystems and the proportion of your contract to their overall activity is limited, a focus on biodiversity may not be proportionate or relevant.

See the Annex for examples.


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