Sustainable Procurement Tools

The Outcome and Contribution to National Outcomes
In addition to the contractor employing two (2) joiners locally onsite for the duration of the contract, for a minimum of twenty-six (26) weeks each, the procurement exercise included mandatory community benefits in accordance with NAC’s Community Benefits Policy. The contractor agreed to:
  • Run a subcontractor engagement event specifically for North Ayrshire based SME businesses who may be interested in working with the contractor. Engagement with local SMEs to include a visit to the contractors factory to understand the process of modular construction and how it differs from traditional construction methods.
  • Engage with NAC’s Third Sector Interface Team, to identify Third Sector Organisations across the Council area that may benefit from the contractors support. Proposed to host a Meet the Builder event. Plus, subsequently donate the presentation boards that will be used at the Meet the Builder event along with a selection of craft materials for use and to ensure the presentation materials are re-used and recycled.
  • Engage with Haven Sign Factory, a Supported Business, for the supply of all signage.
  • Support for a school project agreed in conjunction with NAC Education & Youth Employment department involving local school pupils.
  • Support for a community project agreed in conjunction with NAC Communities department involving local people and reflecting local priorities.

The bungalows will be constructed inside the contractors Ayrshire-based manufacturing facility with kitchens, bathrooms, plumbing and electronics all pre-fitted. The houses will then be split into modules, transported to site and craned into position for the final part of the building work to be completed. Reduced journey times given the contractor’s close proximity to site and fewer deliveries as units are pre-fitted, will result in less impact on CO2 emissions from transportation. It also has the effect of minimising disruption and associated noise for local residents through less on-site construction and fewer deliveries to site.

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), a report that assesses the energy efficiency of a property, provides predicted annual energy costs. Prior to tenants moving in their housing officer will advise them on how to use the systems within their home to make the most effective use of what has been fitted, tenants will also be provided with information and instructions in their tenants handbook.

Contribution to National Outcomes

The outcomes to be provided under this contract support Scotland’s Purpose ‘To focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth’, and contributes to our national outcomes:

  • Children and Young People: We grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potential
  • Communities: We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe
  • Economy: We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy
  • Environment: We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment

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