Sustainable Procurement Tools

Additional Benefits

NAC will work with the contractor to consolidate deliveries, in order to reduce the impact on the environment in terms of CO2 emissions from vehicles, machinery etc.

NAC will also work closely with the contractor to ensure where possible, local subcontractors have access to subcontracting opportunities, particularly any contractors on Millport to reduce travel time, and associated emissions compared to those contractors arriving from the mainland.

During the construction period there will be staff residing on the island for the duration of the works to reduce travel.

Overall, the project seeks to provide the local community and properties with increased flood protection. Community engagement was carried out prior to this tender exercise to ensure all relevant concerns were addressed. The successful contractor was also responsible for attending engagement meetings during the process to ensure minimal impact to the town’s residents during the construction process.


Contribution to the National Performance Framework

The National Performance Framework is for all of Scotland and it aims to:

  • create a more successful country
  • give opportunities to all people living in Scotland
  • increase the wellbeing of people living in Scotland
  • create sustainable and inclusive growth
  • reduce inequalities and give equal importance to economic, environmental and social progress

This project contributions to the following national outcomes:

  • live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe
  • have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy
  • value, enjoy, protect and enhance their environment
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