A Multi-Disciplinary Group (MDG) was established by Corporate Procurement to harness the expertise within the Council to review future Priority Contracts ensuring early consideration of climate change, circular economy, community benefits and opportunities for local SMEs & TSOs.
Together with HSCP and Corporate Procurement the MDG was involved in the Sustainability Test assessment as part of Contract Strategy Development, and discussion regarding the approach to be taken within the tender documents.
The environmental impact for the frameworks varies.
For example, the Care Home framework (2) includes the use of utilities, generation of waste and some travel. The Care at Home framework (1) includes significant use of transport and vehicles for service delivery at residents’ homes.
A Prior Information Notice (PIN) was published inviting interested providers to meet with Falkirk Council to discuss the scope of the services via provider information sessions. Following on from these, an online survey was issued to ensure providers views were taken into consideration.
Engagement with the market included a series of workshops to discuss the service area, ensuring it was transparent and ensuring there was no distortion of the marketplace, and that the outcome would not unduly favour or disadvantage a particular potential provider. Companies engaged included a good cross section of potential providers to best inform strategic options i.e., the views of a Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) and large and multi-national providers.
The project team gathered information on provider cost drivers via a number of means. These included discussions with providers, external research, and internal knowledge. A major cost to providers is workforce pay. For example, the UK Homecare Association provides an industry-accepted analysis, with 70% of costs being labour and 25% for overheads including utilities etc.
Consultation with incumbent local care Providers took place on the proposed use of:
This engagement informed necessary amendments to some wording, to clarify the intent and purpose.