Sustainable Procurement Tools

Lessons Learned

Alignment with organisational and national priorities

The inclusion of a modified approach to carbon reduction, as well as Fair Work First, Community Benefits and Human trafficking / Modern slavery, meant that, in addition to delivering high quality care services to our most vulnerable residents, these framework agreements will contribute to organisational priorities and relevant National Outcomes within the National Performance Framework. The quality of care is dependent on the calibre of care staff, how well they are treated within the organisation and that they are proud to work for an organisation that contributes positively to wider social and environmental impacts.

Relevant and proportionate approach

The collaborative working approach to carbon reduction sends a clear supportive message to the market and provides a positive collaborative environment, in this sector. The availability of Low Carbon Advisory business support enhances this collaboration.

It reflects the need to take a relevant and proportionate approach regarding carbon reduction in this sector and for these frameworks, which considers the maturity of the market on this journey, and related pressures faced.   

Informing future requirements

The approach adopted, with the emphasis on development during the lifetime of the frameworks, will help inform the development of tender requirements for future iterations of the Care frameworks. This includes the potential future use of statement 4C.7 as a supplier selection requirement, and the use of a scored carbon reduction tender question, based on evidence obtained from the two frameworks and the collaboration with providers. This enables the implementation and acceleration of carbon reduction, through both contract and supplier management and future requirements.  In the meantime, the ongoing engagement with providers should galvanise continual improvement.

Data collected will also help the Council identify supply chain emissions for this sector, enhancing or replacing a spend-based carbon analysis, to enable the Council and providers to address emissions and establish baselines for continual improvement.

Sharing knowledge and experience

Throughout the lifetime of the frameworks, the Council will work collaboratively with providers to share knowledge and experience of implementing plans to reduce carbon footprint and waste minimisation. This will include how Falkirk Council commission services, and may include measures such as route optimisation, vehicles used and options for care workers including walking, cycling, eCycling and Electric Vehicles, where relevant.

The learnings can be shared and rolled out to all Providers on the Framework, with providers encouraged and supported to deliver practical continual improvement. In addition, sharing learning within the Council can support further carbon reduction in other frameworks, where relevant, and with other Councils commissioning care services.

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