The Outcome
The contract for the project commenced in August 2021. The detailed design is now underway. The sustainability outcomes will be realised throughout the duration of the contract. To deliver these benefits the contract requirements include reporting, measuring and minimising carbon footprint as well as use of best practices, sharing lessons learned, and monthly reviews on sustainability. The design proposed includes the following sustainability benefits:
Carbon footprint reduction
The project team worked with their design engineering consultants to establish the carbon footprint for a baseline design of 60,214 tCO2e. The carbon management evaluation criteria asked tenderers to demonstrate a minimum saving of 30% based on the original tCO2e (14,200 tCO2e), and challenged them to improve on this target value with a requirement for robust responses. The 30% reduction target was chosen through consultation with the project infrastructure carbon specialist as a reasonably stretching target based on the specimen design. The methodology used to create the carbon baseline included in the invitation to tender was clearly set out and tenderers were required to follow the same (industry best practice) methodology in their question responses to enable valid reduction comparisons at the tender review stage.
Tenderer’s responses to the carbon question were scored based on a technical envelope ranging from 1 (Unsatisfactory response - potential for some compliance but very major weakness) to 9 (Outstanding response (fully compliant, with some areas exceeding requirements). This included differentiating factors such as confidence level, degree of robustness, level of detail and additional value provided. Due to the specialist nature of this question, it was marked by an infrastructure carbon expert.
Tenderers were able to improve their score by proposing an approach to design and construction which exceeded the minimum reduction of 14,200 tCO2e. The winning bid was able to reduce the whole life carbon footprint of the project by proposing a 120 year design life through choosing long lasting materials. Follow-up calls were arranged with unsuccessful tenderers that requested feedback on their carbon question response.
Emissions reduction through active travel
Active travel routes were included in the project design to encourage low and/or zero modes of transport. The project will also decongest the City Centre, allowing for increased active travel in the city.
Enhancing biodiversity
The successful tenderer also provided commitments to deliver a number of biodiversity proposals required within the contract. This includes a salmon counter to monitor the breeding success of local fish populations and additional compensatory planting and biodiversity proposals.
Monitoring of outcomes
These benefits along with the Contractor’s performance will be monitored throughout the lifetime of the project through the assessment of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The Contractor is required to meet the vast majority of KPIs, with some linked to financial reward. The environmental KPIs that will be monitored are summarised below:
KPI E.1 – Environmental Performance
To ensure the Contractor complies with all aspects of the Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP), CAR Licences and any statutory environmental protection requirements. To encourage the Contractor to ensure the absolute minimum environmental harm possible occurs as a result of the construction of the project
The Ecological Clerk of Works (ECOW) carries out a weekly environmental inspection to ensure that the CEMP etc. is being adhered to.
KPI E.2 – Environmental Warnings / Enforcements
To ensure that the Contractor places the required focus on environmental protection during the works. To ensure that no environmental warnings, breach notices, enforcement actions or the like are brought against the project by any stakeholder. Information required:
KPI E.3 – Waste Management
To incentivise reduction in waste produced during the works and measure how much material is being re-used or recycled by:
1. Detailed measures implemented to minimise the waste arising on site; and
2. Target recovery rates provided for any residual wastes that cannot be avoided.
The Contractor agrees suitable evidence with the Supervisor as follows:
1. Evidence of compliance with the objectives set out in the Materials Logistics Plan (MLP) through regular reviews; and
2. Evidence of performance against the Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) including the target waste recovery rates.
KPI E.4 – Carbon Savings
The aim of this KPI is to encourage a focus on carbon reduction and ultimately ensure the continuation of the PAS 2080 Carbon Management in Infrastructure process.
The contractor must use the carbon management methodology and industry standard carbon coefficients that were set out in the ITT. Performance against the tendered baseline carbon footprint will be monitored and reported throughout the contract, making every effort to improve upon this following the approach set out in PAS 2080.
Contribution to National Outcomes
The outcomes to be provided under this contract support Scotland’s Purpose ‘To focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth’, and contributes to our national outcomes: