Sustainable Procurement Tools

Embedding Sustainability Requirements

The environment is at the core of the CTLR project’s aims and objectives, and the CTLR itself has significant benefits with regard to improving air quality, traffic congestion and noise pollution, particularly in Perth City Centre.

As part of the scheme design and for the planning application, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project was undertaken and an EIA Report was prepared to fully assess any environmental issues likely to arise as a result of the proposals, and any mitigation measures which need to be considered. Planning consent for the scheme was granted in October 2020 (Ref: 19/01837/FLM).

The EIA process includes a requirement to assess and mitigate impacts on climate, i.e. a requirement to manage whole life carbon, including construction and operational impacts. To enable this, the CTLR’s potential carbon emissions continue to be managed through the implementation of PAS 2080 (the world’s first specification for Carbon Management in Infrastructure), including during the Specimen Design process. Adoption of the PAS 2080 carbon reduction process in the CTLR will continue through the contract for Detailed Design and Construction to ensure that any predicted effects on the climate are fully considered and minimised where possible. The contract has been written so that this is captured.

The Council leveraged feedback from the planning process and stakeholders, as well as commitments included in Perth and Kinross Council’s Interim Climate Emergency Report and Action Plan  and the Take Climate Action priority identified by Transport Scotland’s National Transport Strategy, to place sustainability at the heart of their project.

In preparing the tender documents for the contract, the Council worked closely with their engineering consultants to ensure that appropriate environmental requirements were included in the evaluation criteria. This resulted in three environmental questions being included in the Invitation to Tender, with the explicit inclusion of a quantitative question on carbon reduction. These three questions - and another relating to early contractor involvement - had the highest weighting of all nine evaluation criteria. The environmental questions were:

Environment Part 1 – Landscape Management (15%)


Demonstrate your approach and commitment to ensuring that the landscape works are carried out at the earliest opportunity to achieve a final established landscape scheme which integrates with the existing landscape.

Description of minimum information expected in response:

  • Need to engage a HIGH QUALITY Landscape Designer/Architect, with the careful selection of Landscaping sub-contractor, with an emphasis on delivery team for landscape design, and project management (Key Person)
  • Ensure submissions cover fully detailed design of landscaping (not just an “add on” to contract design), and that the design will consider future maintenance
  • Full appreciation of Garden Designed Landscape and other surrounding sensitivities e.g. cultural heritage etc.
  • Programming along with Civil Works – not a bolt on to end of contract
  • Compliance with Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Schedule of Mitigation and Planning Conditions
  • Utilise local suppliers/nurseries
  • Consideration to landscape maintenance with attention to implementation and establishment process to minimise failures (Defects). Identification of need to rectify defects
  • Demonstrate understanding of the desire to hand back as much land as possible through grading out slopes in Garden Designed Landscape (including acknowledgement of need to agree with landowner)

Environment Part 2 – Environmental Management (15%)


Demonstrate how you will plan, implement and manage the interface of the works with the many sensitive environmental receptors located throughout this project.

Description of minimum information expected in response:

  • Full coverage of environmental stakeholder management including SEPA, NatureScot, Historic Environment Scotland, Scottish Water, Perth & Kinross Heritage Trust, community groups and residents
  • Demonstrate understanding of Biodiversity issues – thorough approach to mitigation of impact on: River Tay SAC, protected species, archaeological works
  • Thorough approach to addressing noise and air quality impacts
  • Cultural heritage – understanding of required mitigation of impact on Scheduled Monuments inc Bertha Roman Fort
  • Coverage of protection of watercourses generally and specifically the River Tay water abstraction / hydrocarbon monitoring issue
  • Proposals for minimisation of waste, and effective approach to dealing with potential contamination
  • Effective approach to environmental controls on construction activities (internal procedures to ensure that Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) appointed by Client will not need to address issues)
  • Demonstrate understanding of ECoW required under planning conditions. This ECoW is to monitor for complance with Construction Environmental Management Plan / planning permission. Contractor to have own robust environmental management systems and staff including an Archaeological Clerk of Works

Carbon Management (15%)


  • Tenderers are required to provide a submission which clearly describes the carbon reduction initiatives that will be implemented to achieve carbon savings in accordance with Volume 4 S_300 Part 4: Environmental and Landscaping Requirements – Section 2. Carbon Management, Energy and Sustainability. These initiatives are to follow the PAS 2080 methodology, in that they are expected to reduce both carbon and cost
  • Tenderers are required to calculate the carbon savings that will be delivered through their proposed design and construction approach utilising the methodology and original carbon calculation provided in Volume 4 S_300 Appendix F. Carbon saving calculations are to be included in the submission.
  • Tenderers are expected to provide viable proposals which save a minimum of 14,200 tCO2e (30% of original). Responses which improve on this target value will be reflected in the score awarded.
  • If accepted by the Client, the Contractor’s tendered baseline carbon footprint will replace the Client’s original carbon footprint at contract award. Consequently, the Contractor’s baseline will then be incorporated into the Contract as “Scope provided by the Contractor for its design” in Contract Data Part 2.

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